Do you know why every time you sit for a Puja, the temple poojari asks you for your GOTRA ? The Science behind GOTRA (Genetics), is nothing but what is today popularly known as _GENE ~ MAPPING._ What is the GOTRA system ? Why do we have this system of Gotras ? Why do we consider the knowledge of one's Gotra to be so important to decide marriages ? Why should only Sons carry the Gotra of father, why not Daughters ? How/Why does Gotra of a Daughter change after she gets married? What is the logic ? *n fact, this is an amazing and ancient genetic science that we follow. Let's see the SCIENCE of GENETICS behind our great GOTRA systems. The word GOTRA is formed from two Sanskrit words, GAU (meaning, Cow) and TRAHI (meaning, Shed). GOTRA means Cow-shed. GOTRA is like a cowshed protecting a particular male lineage. We identify our male lineage / Gotra by considering to be descendants of the 8 great Rishi (Sapta Rishi + Bharadwaj Rishi). All the other Gotra evolved fro...