
Showing posts from March, 2024

Job Vs Career

Work From Home  is a JOB Work From Office is a Career My advice to young minds based on my Experience If you have selected for a job on basis of WFH, Pls leave that job immediately even if its with top company. They have offered WFH to you to cut their operational expense If your company had given you a job on WFH basis, rest assured its just a Job but your Career is blocked and don't give me arguments live saving driving time to office.  Rest is your wish what U want. A job from where you can be kicked out anytime or a Career Companies can only give you job but Career you have to shape and for that you have to sweat out a lot

बदलता भारत

  एक दौर ऐसा भी था जब उदारीकरण के नाम पर   चीन निर्मित सामानों से भारतीय बाजार पटने लगे थे, जिसकी शुरुआत 90 के दशक मे हो गयी थी जब मनमोहन सिंह भारत के वित्त मंत्री बने | दुनिया के सबसे काबिल और पढ़े लिखे अर्थशस्त्री, दो टके का अनपढ़ चायवाला नहीं   और जब वो प्रधानमंत्री बने तो ये उदारीकरण इतना बढ़ा कि क्या काग़ज़, क्या सजावटी लाइटें, क्या खिलौने, क्या पिचकारियाँ, क्या कल पुर्जे सब कुछ चीन से सस्ते दामों पर किन्तु घटिया गुणवत्ता के, भारतीय उद्योगों और रोजगार की कीमत पर हमारे  बाजारों मे खपाये जाने लगे | फिर तो धड़ाधड़ छोटे , मझोले, बड़े हर श्रेणी के कल कारखाने बंद होने लगे और उद्योगपति, फैक्टरी मालिक भारतीय बाजारों के लिए चीनी सामानों के आयातक और विक्रेता बन गए | लगातार बंद होती फैक्ट्रियों के कारण रोजगार कम होते गए... पर जनता को ये घुट्टी पिलाई जाने लगी कि भारतीय उद्योगों मे निर्मित सामन महंगे और चीन मे निर्मित सामन बहुत सस्ते होते हैं... सो इससे आम जनता का फायदा होगा, जेब मे खर्च करने को पैसे अधिक बचेंगे | गरीबी हटाने का ये भी एक और अनोखा काँग्रेसी फार्मूला था....

Music and Leadership

 I was asked to comment on Music and Leadership ( since both of these topics are close to my heart). Music can offer valuable lessons for leadership, such as: 1. Harmony and Collaboration: Just as different musical notes come together to create harmonious melodies, effective leaders bring together diverse talents and perspectives to achieve a common goal. 2. Rhythm and Tempo: Like the conductor of an orchestra setting the tempo, leaders must establish a pace and rhythm for their team, ensuring progress while allowing for flexibility and adaptation. 3. Listening and Adaptation: Musicians must listen attentively to each other and adjust their performance accordingly. Similarly, leaders must listen to their team members, customers, and market trends, adapting their strategies as needed. 4. Practice and Mastery: Musicians spend countless hours practicing and refining their skills. Likewise, leaders must continuously invest in their own development and encourage their team members to do...

Deep State Strategy

 HIV and Cancer  What if I tell you that HIV virus was created in lab by Deep state and 'animal transfer in Africa' is a hoax theory What if I tell you cancer was intensified by DS What if I tell you both diseases were part of DS biological warfare program All this research happened at National Cancer Institute, USA during 1964 to 1984 HIV was created in 1979 Search on Google Where is National Cancer Institute of US is located ? Is it at Fort Detrick ? Now search in Wikipedia What is Fort Detrick  Is it US Army future command center ? Any Biological weapon program was conducted there from 1943 to 1969 ? On paper it was stopped in 1969 but in real it was not stopped Search Willowbrook State School of New York in Wikipedia  It's school of mentally disabled students Why it's famous Any Hepatitis studies were carried out on these students during 1956 to 1976 ? Search  U can further search Robert Gallo, Fauci, Litton, Bionetics, Merck Now the last puzzle Search NSSM ...

Nothing Ventured Nothing Gained

  There’s an old English adage dating back to the 16th century that says: “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” It essentially means that if we don’t engage in new experiences, we don’t gain new perspectives. And this still holds true today. life continues to reward those who venture into the unknown.  Why?  Because they’re the ones who were willing to get uncomfortable. They’re the ones who’ve embraced discomfort and the true nature of the human experience: An always-changing, ever-evolving, growing process. We are here, on earth, to evolve; that’s why it’s called “human evolution.” So why aren’t you growing? You’re not growing because you refuse to get uncomfortable. You’re not growing because you refuse to engage in new experiences. You’re stagnant, way too deep into your comfort zone. You’re not growing because every shackle clung onto your comfort (to try and ‘keep you safe’) continues to hold you back. And thus, you’ve rendered yourself incapable of ch...