Marxist Conspiracy
Marxist Conspiracy A conspiracy to dismantle existing world order and to create a New World Order. - What is existing and New World Order? - What is actual Marxism (Not bookish one)? - How they created racism, feminism, islamophobia, Neo Ambedakarism, LGBTQ, Migration using Marxism? - How they will bring NWO using Marxism? Existing World Order The current world order is civilization based order which has been going on from last thousands of years. People from different countries, culture, race etc follow different traditions, rituals, religions and live in harmony in this beautiful world. New World Order (NWO) It is a proposed totalitarian world. Where entire world will be one country ruled by few elites. To achieve this NWO they have to destroy existing civilizations based order. For this they have to destroy civilizations n this will be done by Marxism. Marxism I will tell you what is real Marxism not bookish one that they wrote to fool you. Marxism = Hegel + M...