Marxist Conspiracy

Marxist Conspiracy 

A conspiracy to dismantle existing world order and to create a New World Order. 

- What is existing and New World Order?

- What is actual Marxism (Not bookish one)?

- How they created racism, feminism, islamophobia, Neo Ambedakarism, LGBTQ, Migration using Marxism?

- How they will bring NWO using Marxism?

Existing World Order

The current world order is civilization based order which has been going on from last thousands of years. People from different countries, culture, race etc follow different traditions, rituals, religions and live in harmony in this beautiful world. 

New World Order (NWO)

It is a proposed totalitarian world. Where entire world will be one country ruled by few elites. To achieve this NWO they have to destroy existing civilizations based order. For this they have to destroy civilizations n this will be done by Marxism. 


I will tell you what is real Marxism not bookish one that they wrote to fool you.

Marxism = Hegel + Marx + Gramsci

Current Marxism is abstract of these three thinkers.

Hegel (1806)

He said we have an existing thought/opinion (Thesis) but it’s temporary.

One day we encounter entirely opposition thought/opinion (Anti thesis).

This existing thought (Thesis) and opposite thought (Anti thesis) destroy each other n we form a new opinion (Synthesis).

Karl Marx (1848)

Marx took this thesis, anti thesis, synthesis idea at society level. He said in this world order two type of people, One who are dominating/controlling/oppressing the society from last thousands of years (Thesis), Other who are marginalized, facing oppression from thousands of years(Anti thesis). Marx said one day there will be a violent clash between Dominant people (Thesis) and Marginalized (Anti thesis) and both will destroy each other and then we will get a new world order (Synthesis) where there will be no oppressor no oppressed.

Gramsci (1930)

Marx said this 1848 but nothing such happened except in Russia. Why Marx went wrong ?

Gramsci answered this in 1930 and opened the gate for Marxist to control the world. He said Dominant people control education, media and culture. Till dominant ones are controlling these three institutions till marginalized wont revolt coz their minds are hijacked by dominant people by using these three medium. Gramsci said Marxist sud control education, media and culture to facilitate this revolt between Dominant and Marginalized for NWO. This one advise of Gramsci entirely changed the Game and rest is history. Marxist controlled entire education, media n culture worldwide then they controlled Govt and started weaponizing marginalized to start a clash between dominant and marginalized for NWO. Marxist created a global list of who are dominant groups. which are controlling this existing world order from last thousands of years and who are marginalized who are facing oppression from thousand of years. And then they started empowering marginalized one for revolt. 

Here is the global list of Marxist

Dominants ones : Whites, Christians, Males, Hindu, Brahmins, Heterosexuals etc

Marginalized ones ; Black, Muslim, Female, Dalit, Homosexual etc,  basis on this list and Marxist theory, they started to launch new Marxist products. 

Marxist Modus operandi-

1. Find Dominates (M) and marginalized (M) in society

2. Assume anyone who born from D group is oppressor n from M is oppressed

3. Make such law, policy to weaponize M

4. Used education, media to provoke M against D

5. Let M exploit D to finish each other


Dominant : White

Marginalized : Black

Marxist assume every White is oppressor and every Black is marginalized

They created such laws that Black can exploit White

They used education, media to provoke Black against White


Dominant : Male

Marginalized : Female

Marxist assumed that Males are dominating female from thousand of years so to liberate them they created Feminism

They created such law that female can exploit males

Like Nirbhaya Act in India


Dominants : Christian, Jew, Hindus

Marginalized : Muslims

Muslim falls under marginalized category of Marxist so this is reason of Global support of Marxist to Muslims. This is the reason they made immigration laws for Muslims in EU and pro minority law in India.


Dominants : Christian, Jew, Hindus

Marginalized : Muslims

Muslim falls under marginalized category of Marxist so this is reason of Global support of Marxist to Muslims. This is the reason they made immigration laws for Muslims in EU and pro minority law in India.

LGBTQ Movement-

Dominant : Heterosexual

Marginalized : Homosexual

Reason Marxist support LGBTQ movement

Reason LGBTQ support Palestine coz they feel Palestinians also from their same marginalized group

Obsessed with this Oppressor (Dominant) Oppressed (marginalized) theory, Insane Marxists created hundreds of such categories.

Few more- 

Climate Change- 

Oppressor :Human

Oppressed : Nature


Oppressor : Family men

Oppressed : Solo

Language movement-

Oppressor : Sanskrit

Oppressed : Local language


Oppressor : Who are against ch ild sex

Oppressed : Who love ch ild sex


Oppressor : God

Oppressed : Devil

Now u understood  Olympic ceremony ?

Modus operandi is same everywhere. Empower marginalized to dismantle current structure created by Dominants ones. Since they control education and start feeding Marxism in school and colleges,  so every judge, lawyer, bureaucrat, leader, journalist etc is unknowingly Marxist and helping them to dismantle this beautiful civilization based world order.

These Marxist are just using marginalized people to get their NWO to control whole world

Stop them.

Existing World Order - Thesis

Marxism products : Anti thesis

New World Order - Synthesis 


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