Neuroscience of Violence

 If U r given a knife n asked to chop a dead body, U wont be able to do it, probably u will start sweating n vomiting but few people specially from particular community r indifferent to violence, they can easily chop a body in 35 parts Why ?

Answer of this question is in 3 concept of neuroscience-

1. Neural wiring

2. Neuroplasticity

3. Syndrome E

Our conscious mind is just tip of iceberg of our mental processes. Larger part of our thoughts and behaviour lies hidden from view. There is a neural network in our brain that is called pain matrix that assess pain by mirroring so when we see someone in pain, ur neuron in brain cant tell difference n u feel like its happening with u n u fell pain

this is  basis of empathy

We r hardwired to be social creature Then why do some people r so indifferent

And answer of it is in neuroplasticity

It says our brain is like plastic. Neural network in our brain keep changing. Old network breaks n new network forms.

Neural network in our brain is basis of our behaviour So u can re-program ur whole brain if u want

But how this reprogramming happens ?

3 ways

1. Conscious efforts

2. Environment

3. Education

The clue that we receive through our surrounding by friends, family, society, media n education act like electric signals And keep changing ur neural programming of brain.

So if u live in a community where

- chopping of animals is sacred tradition

- U have to go through genital mutilation as u born

- where violence is celebrated

- where u receive education of violence Ur brain changes with time.

Our medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) part of brain is active when we feel empathy but slowly slowly when we live is such environment our  mPFC become less active when we deal with violence

And chopping of a person in 35 pieces n putting in fridge doesn't cause sweating or vomiting

All these internal functions r controlled by our neural wiring. 

Neuro surgeon Itzhak Fried called it Syndrom E

Syndrom E is a diminished emotional reactivity of brain which allows repetitive act of violence. We r hardwired to live with peace, love n empathy.

Violence is blot for any civilized society

Govt sudn't allow any sacred tradition, education or book that promote violence n change brains of people n make them animal

If Govt doesn't cure root cause, it will keep happening


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