The Hegelian Technique

 WEF Founder, Klaus Schwab, March 2022

"We r at turning point of history

We r facing problem of energy, food, supply chain, climate change

Role of Govt is very imp n collaborative approach needed for global problems"

If u have understood Hegelian technique, u will decode it. 

The Hegelian Technique 

This is one of the most imp write up  if u want to know about how world affairs happen and how Globalist work. This will give u entirely new perspective of thinking about all the world events happened in last 300 years. 

Have u seen movie Drishyam ?

What is truth ?

Hegel was a German Philosopher (1770-1831)

He was mentor of Karl Marx and philosophical guru of Globalist. He said there r two truths : absolute truth, materialistic truth.

What we consider as truth is actually materialistic truth. Truth is an evolving reality

and he said truth evolves is three steps and those three steps are :

1. Thesis

2. Antithesis

3. Synthesis

Step 1 : Thesis

Thesis is initial idea or truth that u believe right now. Ur current opinions, beliefs 

Step 2 : Anti thesis

then one day comes an opposite idea of that that idea that u always believed, it challenges ur current idea, belief, opinion n u have to change ur idea

Step 3 : Synthesis

due to collusion of ur pervious opinion and new opposite opinion u form a new opinion .That becomes new truth for u and again one day a new opposite idea comes n ur opinion keep changing

This is called evolution of truth as per Hegel


Thesis : Bread is good for breakfast

Anti thesis : No it contains maida

Synthesis (New thesis) : Brown bread is good for BF 

New Anti thesis : No it also contains high calories

New Synthesis : Oats are good for BF

and by this way ur truth, idea, belief, opinion keep evolving

Here I gave very simple example

But if u carefully observe ur opinion abt Politics, religion, sports, media, society U will realize ur opinion evolved in this way only (thesis antithesis synthesis). Just go back 10, 20 years back in life, What u used to believe truth that time, u don't believe today.

In democratic world public opinion matters 

And Globalist know this Hegelian technique 

They use this technique to shape ur opinion for their agenda. They know thesis is current world,

Synthesis is the world that they want.

So what they do

They create antithesis and put in front of u n u automatically choose the truth that they want. Thesis : U r living freely

Synthesis : Globalist doesn't want u to live freely, they want to monitor u, control u

how to do this ?

Create covid

Thesis : U r living freely

Anti thesis : If u roam freely, u will die from covid

Synthesis : ok...Live controlled monitored life Globalist converted thesis, antithesis and synthesis into-

Current State




Step 1 : Ur current state (Thesis)

Step 2 : Find the problem in current system or loophole in ur current truth or there is nothing then create problem (Anti thesis) 

Step 3 : Reaction

Use ur media and provoke people against that problem (Strengthen anti thesis to challenge thesis)

Step 4 : Solution

Now when they are confused, offer them solution that u already had in ur mind and for that u created all these chain of events 

Like , US never wanted to take part in WW1 (Thesis)

But German attacked submarine (anti thesis)

Public got angry thanks to media coverage (strengthen anti thesis)

US took part in WW1 and R0thschild promise to Britain fulfilled - (Synthesis)

Role of media is very imp in Hegelian

US never wanted to take part in WW2 (Thesis)

But then Japan attacked Pearl harbor (anti thesis)

Public got angry thanks to media coverage (strengthen anti thesis)

US had to take part in WW2 due to public anger n R0thschild again fulfilled his promise (Synthesis)

US never wanted to send its army in central Asia (Thesis)

Then 9/11 happened (Anti thesis)

Media highlighted it, public got angry (Strengthen anti thesis)

US sent its army in Central Asia, captured Iraq's oil reserve n US companies got work contract there (Synthesis)

People didn't want untested vaccine, being controlled, monitored (thesis)

Then came Covid that was deadly and contagions (Antithesis)

People happily accepted lock down vaccine, covid passport, being monitored (Synthesis)

Hegel said truth is what we perceive 

Those who have power, money, control over education, media , entertainment .

They have power to manufacture artificial truth.

They dont force people to do what they want, they just manufacture artificial truth n people follow the truth.

If u have understood this ,Then u will understand

- How Pharma companies make profit

- How wars are good for military industrial complex

- why Terrorism was created

- why recessions r brought 

Create a problem

Use media to invoke reaction

Offer Solution

Make profit


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