Know Your Worth

"You must find the courage to leave the table if respect is no longer being served"

Your worth as a person is not determined by your accomplishments or the things you’ve been conditioned to believe define you. Your self-worth doesn’t fluctuate depending on your achievements or failures.

To know your worth is to know who you truly are beyond your conditioned mind.

Knowing your self-worth allows you to disassociate the outcome of what you do with who you are. It implies you are in touch with your inner soul, and more than going through life, you are intentional, doing only the things that serve your purpose.

So basically, knowing your worth enables you to be true to who you are, and live an authentic life.

Your worth goes beyond material possessions. It’s tied to the fact that with or without the achievements, you are still valuable. You might be slow to learn and an average performer at work, but these things don’t reduce your worth one bit.

When you know your self-worth, you only focus on things that add value to your life. You cut off people and things that weigh you down.

You’ll find more meaning in life because your joy and satisfaction comes from within. Self-worth makes you content with what you have, whether small or big. And even when these things are taken from you, you still live satisfied.


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