Fake Patriot’s of Bollywood

The so called patriots from Bollywood have lot to answer actually for the sins of their fathers, grandfathers or great grandfathers.

*We can start with Kaifi Azmi, father of Shabana Azmi. He wrote poems celebrating the creation of Pakistan. Kaifi Azmi was a proponent of partition and wrote a poem just before Partition " अगली ईद पाकिस्तान में" (Next Eid in Pakistan).* Well, he just went and came back within a few days. Stayed here and now his children give us gyan on how much their parents loved india. 

*IPTA (Indian People's Theatre Association) was & remains the cultural front of Communist Party . Check Shabana Azmi and she is an active proponent of IPTA. It was under the communist ideology that writers like Kaifi and even Sahir Ludhianvi supported created of pakistan. Sahir in fact lived in Pakistan for about 6-7 months and then pleaded with the Indian Govt to allow him back and lived here*. Though people like Kaifi and Sahir and Naser's father were writing poems and giving speeches in favour of 'New Medina'. Javed Akhtar's greatgrandfather Maulana Fazle Haq Khairabadi, gave a Fatwa to capture and bring down Hanuman gari temple in 1855. British actually saved the temple. Khairabadi instigated others to die for Jihad, he himself led a lavish luxurious life and never even saw a battlefield. The Muslims tried to forcibly take the temple were killed by Hindus & Khiarabadi issued a Jihad call against British. For that he was captured and sent to Kala Pani. He kept on pleading loyalty to British post 1857 and blamed some other Khairabadi. Jaan Nisar Akhtar's grandfather pleaded and British relented in exchange of loyalty. 

*Now come to Naseeruddin Shah's family. His great grandfather Jan-Fishan Khan, supported the British in 1857, got a Jagir in Sardhana and pension of 1000. His father, Ali Mohd Shah, was a Muslim league member, Behraich, UP. Voted for Pakistan , wanted to open a restaurant in England. He too didn't go anywhere*, stayed here and now Naseer gives gyan to us about the deep love his family has for India. True that he is not answerable for his father but he can't invoke his father as well for staying here. Muslims of UP/Maha/TN/Kerala/Bihar voted for Pakistan. They just didn't go. *Now take the case of Majrooh Sultanpuri. He too wrote poems on greatness of Pakistan but stayed put here.*

Very few of these scumbags including their leadership left for Pakistan. Even those who left, kept a part of family in India & few more like *Raja Mahmudabad came back in old age to claim property in UP (Case ongoing). He funded Jinnah. This case was finally settled and Narendra Modi govt amended the Enemy Property act to save the property.*

*Congress was all set to give them the property.*


*The term Ideology of Pakistan  was first used in 1971 by Major General Sher  Ali khan Patuadi,  Yahya Khan's information minister. Do you know who is this Pataudi? Yes, Uncle of Saif Ali Khan Patuadi.* 

*Why did Saif's grandfather stay here? Because his property was too huge here*. Saif's great uncle Maj.Gen. Isfandyar Ali Khan Pataudi was Deputy Director of ISI. Another great great uncle Maj. Gen. Sher Ali Pataudi was Chief of General Staff in Pak army,  another great uncle Shehryar Ali Patuadi was PCB chairman. It was a well thought out stay. Idea was to infiltrate the politics and make changes conducive to Pakistan and capture from within and some were simply too lazy to go. 

*People who wanted Pakistan, UP/ Bihar/ Maha/ TN, Kerala,MP didnt go and who didn't want Pakistan ie, Punjab and NWFP (Pathans) had to leave for Pakistan.*

*Muslims of Hyderabad anyway thought that they will have a separate country and Nawab gave 150cr to Pakistan in 1947 for helping them. He put it in a bank in London.* Owaisi's Grandfather was Kasim Rizvi's inheritor of MIM, father was a Razakar and now he gives gyan on how much he loves India. 

Sayyed Hossain Imam from Bihar, M. Mohd. Ismail from Madras, etc.. to name a few of the host of Muslim League leaders who stayed back in India. The Raja of Muhmdabad, Begum Aizaz Rasul, Raja of Pirpur, Maulana Hasrat Mohani, etc. from U.P didn't go  and their descendants give gyan here. Though they had created Pak as the homeland for the Indian Muslims..not an iota of justification for such leaders being allowed to stay back. Congress abandoned the true nationalist Muslims, the Khudai Khidmatgars led by the Frontier Gandhi in name of geo-political realities. 

*Ironically, Latiffi, who was one of the architects of Pak and a passionate supporter of Pakistan’s creation, did not move to the new country. Latiffi, lived in a flat given by Khushwant Singh’s father in 50’s and then found his place. Died in Delhi*, never went to Pakistan after creating it. Also, Rampur of Azam Khan fame, launched an agitation by setting Govt buildings on fire, demanding accession of the Rampur State to Pak.  

*You know the biggest crook who wrote the manifesto of Muslim League (used by Jinnah in 1945-46)*, ideologue of Pakistan, continued to practice in Bombay High Court and never went to Pakistan. How was he even allowed to stay in this country and practice. His contribution to Pakistan is even greater than Iqbal’s,  yet he never went. If you were so invested in creating a homeland for Muslims in Pakistan and wrote manifesto, ideological reasons and merging it with spiritual messages of Iqbal yet he didn’t go but stayed in land he hated and wanted to get rid of. 

I don’t see coincidence in all this, I see a sinister motive. As Sardar Patel said in Kolkata 1949, *“till yesterday you wanted Pakistan, voted for it and now you claim to love india, how do I believe you..?”*


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