
 Kindness is a gift everyone can afford to give.

We are self-focused and self-possessed. An unfortunately large segment of the world population finds it very difficult to see beyond themselves to look at those around them.

How often do we act without considering the effect of our actions on those around us?

Community is everywhere around you. What will you make of the community in which you live? Will you be a kind contributor or a self-centered instigator? And what does kindness mean, anyway?

How Do Acts of Kindness Impact Others?

It is very clear to most people the way in which our negative interactions affect us (and others). We see it in the victims of bullying or of abuse.

Yet it is often overlooked how important an act of kindness can be to someone who is in need.

Our own acts of kindness, however, can change the life of a person who is in a point of struggle in their lives.

What Is Kindness?

Kindness is the act of doing something for another person without the expectation of having it paid back to you. In many cases an act of kindness cannot, in fact, be paid back.

Acts of Kindess Are About Putting Others First.

We live in a very fast-paced world. Many of us are busy, on our way somewhere, without time to stop and do something for another person.

In essence, we are trapped in our own thoughts and emotions and it becomes incredibly difficult to see others around us.

Kindness is about putting other people ahead of ourselves. It is about taking the time to give someone else a piece of our time—and time is sometimes our most valuable commodity. Kindness is something that is done voluntarily: It is not something that can be taxed or stolen from us. Nobody controls our decision to show kindness except ourselves.

No Act of Kindness Is Too Small

Many of us think "But what can I do?"

It can be overwhelming and sometimes we feel as though there is nothing that we can do: but there is always something that we can do. Something as "simple" as a smile can change a person's day.

My Challenge to You

My challenge to you is to take the time to reach out to others in kindness. Even if you can only perform one act of kindness, do it.

Remember: Everyone comes into this world with nothing and leaves with nothing, it’s what we do in between that makes all the difference.

You can make a difference, you have the power. Think about it.


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