Who runs the Delhi Government?

  Who runs the Delhi government?

Who makes policy for Delhi?

Who is behind the Arvind Kejriwal? 

In 2003 Abhijit Banerjee was appointed as a 'Ford Foundation' International Professor of Economics at MIT. In the same year, he founded the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL). Between 2000 to 2010 Kejriwal received direct funding from the Ford Foundation for his NGOs. He has also received the Ashoka fellowship and Magsaysay Award which are also funded by the Ford foundation.

 In December 2013 Ford Foundation International Professor and founder of Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) started to support and write articles for AAP in media!

In Feb 2015 during the election he wrote an article to support AAP and wrote that "anyone who cares about Indian democracy should be rooting for AAP on February 7". In Feb 2015 Kejriwal formed the government and also created a think tank Delhi Dialogue Commission (DDC) to create a policy for Delhi and to run the Delhi government on their advice and plan. In 2016 Jasmine Shah joined AAP and immediately he was appointed as an adviser to DY CM Sisodia.

Jasmine Shah was working with Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) before joining AAP. 

As I said earlier J-PAL is founded by Ford Foundation professor Abhijit Banerjee. AAP was working with Abhijit Banerjee hand to hand in 2017.

In 2018 Kejriwal appointed Jasmine Shah as a vice-chairman of DDC and gave him full policy control of Delhi! In 2019 DDC signed an MOU to monitor all their schemes.

This is really very crucial data but who cares? How someone can hand over this crucial data to a foreign entity? 

It seems that from Free electricity to 'media' education model is developed by the 'Ford Foundation' International Professor of Economics at MIT Abhijit Banerjee!

Later in 2019, he won the Nobel prize in economics for his J-Pal project.

Abdul Latif Jameel is a Family owned business house based in Saudi Arabia. Now you should understand why paid news was published in USA-based NYT and Gulf-based Khaleej Times regarding Delhi Education Model! 

Hassan Jameel, Owner of Abdul Latif Jameel was a boyfriend of Rihanna!

Now you should know who could be behind that tweet of Rihanna!

Please note: after receiving Nobel Peace Price for economics, J- PAL has done MOU with many state governments including AP, Orissa, Tamilnadu, and Gujarat.

But I didn't find this much involvement in the policy which they have in Delhi! Let's come back to the DDC and J-PAL. 

This year in Feb, DDC again did a new MOU with J-PAL and gave them access to all the policy and scheme data! 

This should be our concern! 

Interestingly 'Ford Foundation' International Professor of Economics at MIT Mr. Abhijit Banerjee was also the mastermind behind Congress's NYAY scheme in 2019!

Now, who is the A and B team of Ford foundation? 

Iqbal Dhaliwal is now the Global Executive Director of J-PAL.

He is the husband of Gita Gopinath. She is a US citizen and belongs to a communist family! Arvind Kejriwal always claims that he is just a common person but all these proofs indicate that he has support from the world's most powerful country, NGOs, Media, and all other foreign-funded entities! This also proves that the designer of his freebies politics is a foreign-funded, foreign entity. They also help him to create a fake Education and Medical model by using their international ecosystem. This foreign entity also designed his entire government policy. They don't just design the policy, they also track it too!

So now tell me who runs the Delhi Government?


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