World Happiness Report

 World Happiness Report 

- Which agency creates this report

- how data is collected

- how they measure happiness

- Is this report truly represent happiness ?

Happiness report is prepared by an NGO- Sustainable Development Solutions Network. 

It was launched by UN in 2012 to achieve 17 sustainable UN goals by 2030. These goals r very similar to WEF's Great reset or Vision 2030. Most of members r from same circle of CFR, BB, TLC, WEF SDSN is funded by various organizations, imp of them are Bill Gates Foundation, and ymSDSN prepare Happiness report but for this they receive data from an US based firm Gallop inc.

Gallop has prepared an Happiness Model.

This model is based on 6 Parameters They believe that Happiness is related to these 6 parameters. These parameter are :

1.  Per capita GDP

2. Social Support

3. Health life expectancy 

4. Freedom to make life choices

5. Generocity

6. Perceptions of corruption 1. GDP per capita - They assume that wealthy countries r happy that is not in line of happiness phenomena of Hinduism which believes in minimalism, non materialism

Even lot of western studies also proved there is no linear relationship in them 

They take this data from Govt 2. Social support - In this they ask question to people - ""If you were in trouble, do you have relatives or friends you can count on to help you whenever you need them, or not?"

people have to answer in Yes or No

yes = 1 No = 0. 

Average of answer is calculated 3. Healthy life expectancy

It represents the average number of "healthy" years a child at birth is estimated to live

This data is provided by WHO

Here assumption is more age, more happiness 4. Freedom to make life choices

Applicants are asked this question:

"Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with your freedom to choose what you do with your life?"

And scores are calculated on basis of their answer

Here assumption is my life my choice is connected to happiness 5. Generosity

In this they ask question : "Have you donated money to a charity in the past month?"

They give 1 point to Yes

0 point to No

Here assumption is those people who give charity are happy people Perceptions of corruption

2 questions r asked in this

"Is corruption widespread throughout the government or not?"

"Is corruption widespread within businesses or not?"

Here assumption is countries where corruption is widespread are not happy Their sample size is 1000 people from every country n they ask these questions and calculate score on basis of their answer

Cantril ladder technique is used for data tabulation.

Now the twist here is how do they select those 1000 people ?

does they represent true sample ? They have not disclosed how they select those 1000 people but once an Australian sociologist Salvatore Babones told that these survey agencies mostly select leftist intellectual, activist, for survey

n Indian leftist intellectual always give negative answers abt India in surveys My findings on this report is :

1. Survey agency n their funding agency r dubious n connected to Globalist group

2. Happiness model is not ideal representation of happiness

3. Sample size very small (For India 1000 for 142 crore people)

4. Leftist intellectual r selected for survey who have biased agenda.

We sud not take seriously these Gates, Soros, Rockefeller funded reports 

Some comments

1. Finland is at No 1, 20 % of its population has mental disorder, highest EU and it’s 7 % of its population has depression which is 9th worst Divorce rate is 61% in Finland, 47% in USA and 1% in India why do these really happy people have such high divorce rates ?

Debt trap countries Pakistan, Sri Lanka, war torn countries Ukraine is more happy than India ?

sometimes common sense is enough


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