A historic Modi In US visit

 A historic Modi In US visit

6 key takeaways-

1. US govt believes #Modi is coming back in 2024!

Modi has less than a year to go in office & yet what he has been able to extract from US in the form of tech transfer, most advanced drones, chip & jet engine manufacturing, NASA-ISRO Partnership etc is unprecedented. US has never opened up its gates so wide for Bharat but Modi with less than a year left in office, has done it! It’s quite obvious that US secret services through their networks have gauged that Modi is coming back in 2024. USA would only bet on a winning horse!

2. US is certain now that India’s non-alignment approach is over.

Given that they seem assured of Modi’s return, they feel confident that India’s non alignment approach - a headache for US & the world, which Modi has clearly buried, will not return. 

3. US is confident of Bharat’s fast paced sustainable growth. 

The world & US has been in awe of Modi’s economy management and now see India as a big market. A 1000 aircraft order within a space of 2-3 mnths was mind boggling by even US standards. It also sees India as an alternate supply chain hub to China, even in strategic sectors like defence, where they never allowed even China. US now wants to be a part of Bharat story!!

4. US has now reconciled and accepted the fact that Bharat under Modi & then further in the foreseeable future will always maintain ‘strategic autonomy’. Hence, they have realised that pressure tactics on Modi won’t work. Only way is to woo Bharat! You just have to look at how they laid down the red carpet for Modi & how his trip was so well orchestrated taking care of the minutest of details! 

5. US is no longer going to preach Bharat!

Given a strong and a no nonsense Modi, US realises that henceforth any amount of virtue signaling will not be good for Indo-US ties. They also seem to have understood that any amount of preaching will only prove counter productive and make Modi even stronger, given the wave of nationalism that sweeps India now! 

6. The ‘hitch’ is gone - from both sides!

Decades of hesitation is over. US understands that Bharat under Modi is about brass tacks and not about optics. Bharat no longer talks in generalities while passing sweeping motherhood statements but it talks about actions & deliverables. Most importantly it is decisive and hence can be done business with! 

Similarly, a confident Bharat no longer fears of getting overshadowed by USA. It will never be a junior partner. It is a partnership of equals based on democratic values. Hence it will be a sustainable partnership


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