What is Accessnow.org?

 What is Accessnow.org mentioned as "DIGITAL SECURITY HELPLINE" by the Apple notification received by some politicians in India to accuse Modi Govt of the Phone Hacking and Spying using Pegasus spyware?

Let's find out How Accessnow.org is funded by the George Soros and what it has been doing to undermine India and Modi Govt and how it is connected to "THE WIRE News Portal" and Indian Apposition: . In Feb 2023 anti-Indian online portal "The Wire" published a report "India Remains Internet Shutdown Capital ". Some of the western newspapers published this report "India: 'Internet shutdown capital of the world based on a report published by US digital rights advocacy group Access Now for the KeepItOn coalition, "Weapons of control, shields of impunity: Internet shutdowns in 2022". During this entire frenzy of dubbing India as the "Internet Blackout Capital of the world", one name is the source of data for all the media houses and Western watchdogs and that name is KeepitOnCoalition" hosted by the US Digital human rights watchdog "Access Now". What is #KeepitOn Coalition?

In 2016 Access Now brought like-minded organizations together to create a campaign to end Internet shutdowns, which represent a popular tool of repression by states (As per Access Now ) looking to close the space for civil society and restrict freedoms of association, assembly, and expression. Uniting under the banner of #KeepItOn and now with 220 members worldwide, they have successfully fought internet shutdowns in several national contexts, while raising the profile of the issue at the international level.  Access Now, launched the #KeepItOn campaign at their annual RightsCon event in 2016 in Silicon Valley. They launched the #KeepItOn campaign, now a global movement of more than 200 organizations.  How "Access Now" institutionalized their project. Access Now’s Shutdown Tracker Optimization Project (STOP) works with coalition members to record instances of shutdowns and identify emerging challenges (As per Access Now). In 2016 (#Keepiton was launched) the UN passed a resolution on the Promotion, protection, and enjoyment of human rights on the internet, condemning internet shutdowns, and urging states to refrain from ordering such measures. How "Access Now" institutionalized their project. Access Now’s Shutdown Tracker Optimization Project (STOP) works with coalition members to record instances of shutdowns and identify emerging challenges (As per Access Now). In 2016 (#Keepiton was launched) the UN passed a resolution on the Promotion, protection, and enjoyment of human rights on the internet, condemning internet shutdowns, and urging states to refrain from ordering such measures.  In 2017, 30 governments coordinated by the Freedom Online Coalition declared their commitment to fight internet shutdowns, in a statement issued at Access Now’s RightsCon meeting in Brussels. The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and Special Rapporteurs have condemned internet shutdowns, and have cited data collected by the coalition in their annual reports to UN bodies.

Who is "Acess Now"? 

Access Now is a left-leaning internet access and digital rights advocacy group that works to decrease internet censorship and curtail violations of privacy by businesses that collect the personal data of internet users. Access Now is a non-profit organization founded in 2009 with a mission to defend and extend the digital civil rights of people around the world. Access Now was founded by Brett Solomon, Cameran Ashraf, Sina Rabbani, and Kim Pham in 2009, after the contested Iranian presidential election of that year. During the protests that followed this lection, Access Now disseminated the video footage which came out of Iran. Access Now runs an annual conference, RightsCon, a multi-stakeholder event. The conference was first held in Silicon Valley in 2011.

Present Board Members of "Acess Now":

 1. Brett Solomon is the Executive Director and co-founder of Access Now. He has been the Campaign director of "Avaaz" another left-liberal Nonprofit propagated by Soros Henchman Tom Perriello. 

2.Seema Chishti wife of Sitaram Yechuri of CPI(M), Board Member India for "Access Now":

Seema Chishti is presently working as an editor with the anti-India portal thewire.in  I don't think we need to elaborate on what thewire.in writes for defaming India and who funds it.

3.Andrew McLaughlin:  A one-time Deputy CTO at the White House in Barak Obama's tenure serves as a board member of another #Soros-funded nonprofit "Sunlight Foundation," which has board members also on the board of "Wikimedia Foundation" which runs wikipedia.com

3.Bruce Schneier:  Bruce Schneier is a fellow at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University, and a Lecturer in Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School. Founder of Wikipedia Jimmy Wales also a fellow at Berkman Klein Center at Harvard. 

Interestingly George Soros's Open Society Foundation funds all three: Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University, Wikimedia Foundation which owns Wikipedia, and Accessnow.org also.

4.Arzu Geybulla :   She writes for among other publications, Open Democracy a UK-based independent global media platform publishing up to 60 articles a week and attracting over 7 million visits per year. Open Democracy is funded by Soros and The Ford Foundation.

5.Nanjala Nyabola:  She is a founding member of the Digital Forensic Lab at the Atlantic Council which shared a list of 40,000 pro-Hindutva handles with Twitter in the year 2019 for banning them at the behest of the US govt information regulation platform GEC.

Acessnow.org  and Avaaz.org   connection:  Avaaz is a left-of-center international campaigning organization and online pressure co-founded in 2007 by liberal online activist groups "Res Publica" and "Moveon", along with Ricken Patel, Tom Perriello, Tom Pravda, Eli Pariser, Andrea Woodhouse, Jeremy Heimans, and David Madden. As we saw earlier that accessnow.org cofounder Brett Solomon worked with Avaaz.org as its Global Campaign director before founding Access Now. A look at the management of Avaaz.org looks like the who and who of US public policy thinkers. The most dangerous name among them is Tom Perreillo, Director of Open Society Foundation, USA. Tom Perriello also served on the board of multiple subsidiaries of left-liberal dark money non-profit "Arabella Advisors" along with founding the  Center for American Progress Action Fund (Merged with C40.org in 2006 which is driving the 15-minute city concept across the globe) which was established by longtime Clinton family confidant John Podesta, liberal billionaire George Soros, and a handful of other prominent Democrats and former Clinton administration officials. Avaaz’s website claims to have 55 million members in 194 countries,15 and then on a different page claims to have over 60 million members. According to its website FAQs, Avaaz’s largest membership base is in Brazil and France.

Avaaz reported approx $26 million in contributions on its federal nonprofit tax return. Because Avaaz is set up as a social welfare group, donations are not tax deductible and that means no one knows who donated money to Avaaz.org    ....!!! . Soros Frontman Tom Perriello is on the board of directors of "Governing for Impact" (GFI) a secretive left-of-center regulatory policy think tank created in 2019 to “prepare a new US administration. "Governing for Impact" (GFI) a secretive left-of-center regulatory policy think tank that drives the leftist agenda of transformative governance” by writing left-leaning regulatory recommendations for federal bureaucratic agencies in the US Govt.

As stated earlier "Governing for Impact" (GFI) is a secretive left-of-center regulatory policy think tank, which advises the present US administration of Joe Biden on the implementation of left-liberal agendas in very shadow manners. US frontman of #Soros, Tom Perriello peddles so much influence that he has direct access to the White House and sometimes he has visited the White House multiple times on the same day, something which even senior most Biden Team members don't do. Now we have established the network of http://access.org+ http://Avaaz.org+ Open Society Foundation + Arabella Advisors +  Governing for Impact (GFI) + Joe Biden Administration  and we also saw that all of them being nonprofit social work organizations have legal immunity against not disclosing the names of their donors. This loophole of IRS rule 501(c) has been exploited by all left-liberal dark money nonprofit organizations. This is how desperate our apposition and entire Western neocon Kabal is to Dethrow Shri Narendra Modi Ji out of power as he is their biggest roadblock in India to loot India and control India through corrupt I.N.D.I.A. alliance.

Resurfacing of the "Pegasus" controversy is not a incident, it is a well-planned ploy to destroy the credibility of the present BJP Govt. and may be protect corrupt cronies like Mahua Moitra and so many others by painting them like a victim rather than a criminal as per latest ongoing Govt. inquiry into the dealings of the Mahua Moitra, who is making most of the noise today on the "Pegasus" incident.


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