Council on Foreign Relations

 Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)

You must have heard one word many times on X n that is Deep State. A shadow organization that runs USA and World behind the curtain, that organization is CFR

CFR is Deep State

In 1912 , A book “Philip Dru: Administrator” came by an anonymous writer. The book was on futuristic world on Globalist New World Order. 

US President  Woodrow Wilson, was so impressed with book that he asked to find out author of book and they got to know that Edward Mandell House was author of this book.

Wilson made him his foreign policy adviser

He played imp role in shaping US diplomacy in WW1 (1914-19). When WW1 was over 30 May 1919, Majestic Hotel, Paris Colonel House along with British and American Bankers and Corporate owners and Powerful Political leaders met and resolved to form two groups one in US and one in UK to guide public opinion toward acceptance of one world government.

-The UK club was named Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House)

-USA club was called Council on Foreign Relations

CFR was incorporated on 21 July 1921 on New York Dinners Club. Initial members of CFR were prominent bankers, corporate owner, US senators, media owners, State secretaries

Founding CFR President was John Davis (JP Morgan’s personal attorney) , Founding CFR President – Paul Cravath (JP Morgan).

First Chairman – Rusell Leffingwell (JP Morgan’s Partner)

Funding came from Morgan, Rockefeller, Bernard Baruch, Jacob Schiff, Otto Kahn and Paul Warburg

CFR membership is by invitation only. Members have to take oath of secrecy

That means they cant share any information abt CFR to anyone. CFR maintains atmost secrecy of their meetings, nothing is shared with media.

CFR played very imp role in WW2, their members were actively involved in drawing US in WW2. People think that US govt was taking all decisions but actually it was CFR.

In 1945, CFR changed its HO to Harold Pratt House, New York. That building was donated by Rockefeller family. Initially CFR was Morgan dominated but later it became Rockefeller dominated. 1921 to 2023, CFR was behind shaping all the Global events and Public opinion

Once CFR members decide that US govt sud adopt a particular policy then substantial research facility of CFR are put to work on this policy and US govt has to implement that.  CFR has special relation with CIA since its inception.

Since inception only CFR member becomes CIA director and CIA plays imp role in policies made by CFR. CFR is packed with US state secretaries, Political leaders from both sides, Corporates, Professors, Media owners. By 2015, CFR had individual membership of 5000, corporate members of 170, Staff of 330, annual budget of US$ 60 million and asset of US$ 500 million that makes it world’s most powerful think tank.

Biden, Obama, Clinton, Gates, Kissinger, Soros, NSA, CIA director, Federal reserve almost all powerful people of USA are member of CFR.

CFR works discreetly, they decide policy and then US gov and CIA implement it.

They publish a magazine called Foreign Affairs.

Think tanks like Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Brooking Institutions, Hudson Institute becomes automatic member of CFR. Zionist groups like NED, Scowcroft group, Kissinger Associates and Albright Stonebridge are also connected with them.

So there is a secret society of Powerful Politicians, Bankers, Corporates, Media Owners, Researchers, CIA.

They meet regularly and obviously they don’t meet for lunch and dinner. They make plan and what is that plan no one knows. Is that plan to fulfil commercial and political interest, to rule entire world, to establish world govt. Trust me whether its US, Europe or Africa

Middle East, Asia or Australia

Without planning of CFR, nothing happens

CFR is only for US people for Europe and other people there are separate sister organization.


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