Tri Lateral Commission

 In Secret groups of Globalist series I have already written abt. Council of Foreign  Relations -CFR (Elites of USA), Bilderberg- BB (Group of elites of US+Europe+Canada)

Third group in this is Tri Lateral Commission- TLC, TLC = US+Europe+Asia.

Concept of TLC was brought by Zbigniew Brzezinski who was counselor to US President Lyndon B. Johnson and member of CFR and BB.

He gave the idea to form a group of elites of US+Europe+Japan to CFR chairman David R0ckafellar. Purpose was to take people's attention from CFR.  Idea of TLC was first presented in BB 1972, With blessings of CFR and BB, TLC started on 23rd July 1972 at R0ckefeller estate, New York. R0ckefeller became its first chairman. They claimed that TLC was formed for closer cooperation between US, Europe and Japan.  But conspiracy researchers know that its prime purpose was one world govt. It’s mostly funded by R0ckefeller foundation, Ford Foundation, German Marshall Fund, Hewlett foundation and various Banking, OIl, MIC companies. All members of TLC are very powerful and part of system. It was Brzezinski who introduced Georgia governor Jimmy Carter to TLC and in 1977 He became president of USA and he appointed Brzezinski to NSA of USA.

After that Brzezinski played very imp role in shaping world events. Most of the members in Carter govt were from TLC. Later one more TLC member Ronald Regan, George Bush became US president. They meet annually in different places of US, EU and Asia and only invited members can attend meeting. Complete secrecy is maintained and no one is allowed to share what was discussed in meeting.  

North America is represented by 120 members: 20 Canadian, 13 Mexican and 87 American. 

European group have 170 members.

First Asia and Oceania were represented only by Japan, but in 2000 the Japanese group of 85 members became the Pacific Asia group, comprising 117 members - 75 Japanese, 11 South Koreans, 7 Australian and New Zealand citizens, and 15 members from the ASEAN nations. The Pacific Asia group also included 9 members from China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. The commission now claims "more than 100" Pacific Asian members. Notable members- 

Antony Blinken

Michael Bloomberg

Nicholas Burn

George Bush

Jimmy Carter

Jeffery Epstien

Henery Kissinger

Mario Monti

Jack Sullivan

and there are many more, U can get all information from their website. So there is a trinity of secret groups

All powerful people are part of these groups

they meet secretly

what they discuss no one knows

obviously they dont meet for lunch, they meet for serious business

We think govts make policy on public opinion but truth is different. 


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