Why Congress avoiding ShriRam pran pratishtha

 Many wonder why Congress is boycotting the Ayodhya event. Some view it as a monumental blunder or even Harakiri.

However, their puppet masters are not naive enough to go against the sentiment of the nation and the Dhārmics. First of all, we are talking about a party that survived many tests including an Emergency, Sikh Genocide, and gigantic corruption for over 100 years.

It cannot survive if not supported by long term strategy and patient execution.

Also, this is a party as per Wikileaks cables colluded with the CIA to stop narendramodi in early 2000s. So, they must have known something most Indians didn't see.

I say this to reiterate their dark power that enabled an international level propaganda against Modi tirelessly since Godhra. Now, here's the crux : their covert plan, death-like patience, unwavering tenacity, cunning, and relentlessness.

We criticise Congress for today's actions while overlooking their grand scheme. Let's put on our critical thinking hats, as I always say. Congress, more than anyone else knows what they are losing in the 2024 elections.

However, they still focus seriously on three positions:

1. Constant attack against Sanātana Dharma

2. Loading and reloading of Rahul Gandhi

3. Relentless war of propaganda especially based on Gramsci's War of Position 

Through these three positions, what are they trying to achieve?

1. Constant attack against Dharma is a taunting effort to reverse consolidate minorities. Every time a Dhārmic asks 'what if a Muslim or Christian....' - such clips of videos or audios or posts are deliberately selected to circulate amongst these communities to consolidate them. It works better on them because Hindus are majority and that is intimidating by itself. So, when we think Hindus are consolidating, some of us without our knowledge play to this plan.

This is why they invest billions into Hindu-hate. Be it movies, Youtubers, Social Media, Celebrities, or Politicians.

Why are they reverse consolidating Muslims/Christians/Sikhs? We all know the answer.

Per 2011 Census, Hindu population is 79.8% which means minority is more than 20%.

Congress knows that by 2034, this could be more than 30% which is enough to win many constituencies of the 543.

However, what they are not sure about are 2 things: 

~ How well the votes are distributed - that is what is the vote to seat conversion by 2034.

~ What is Modi-Shah's counter to this bloc consolidation.

To mitigate the first uncertainty, they have invested heavily into building parallel economy (Halal). For example- about the Biriyani chains in Tamizh Nadu, the Deep State Combination there (LTTE, TJ, EC, Communists, DK).

Container loads of cash in Kerala ports during UPA 2.0, found its way into land and business purchases which enabled constituency consolidation. This experiment was first done in the Eastern Districts of TN with the Sand Mafia and Evangelical Christian (Lazarus-Sonia nexus) when villages were mass converted and people moved heavily into constituencies purchasing land and business enabling bloc voting to the extent of determining win or lose. Extrapolate this to a few constituencies based on the TFR and Population Growth to 2034 - you get their working.

A perfect testing of this model was Wayanad 2019. Now you see why Congress is consistently sending the message to minority that they are with them. They will continue doing this until they have a critical mass of constituencies.

This is a good segue into the second focus of Congress - Loading and Reloading of Rahul Gandhi. By the time Congress consolidate blocs good enough to win candidates, the image of Rahul Gandhi as PM material will be firmly rooted in the bloc's minds. This way, Congress will eliminate any potential future rival to Rahul Gandhi.

This is precisely why Congress has avoided RG campaigning in 2024. They don't care about this election. Their only focus this year is to ensure they are still a national party.

In the coming years, closer to 2029 elections, you will see a new Rahul Gandhi closely resembling his father, a more suave, serious man with a new idea of India. Back up is the Indira Gandhi look alike sister. 

In the past decade, another mitigation to vote to seat bloc (in addition to mass conversions) they have tried is the refugee movement - invasion through immigration.Kashmir, Rohingya insurgency in Hyderabad, Kashmir, Tamizh Nadu, Assam, and West Bengal. 

Coming to the second uncertainty they have: Modi-Shah's strategy to counter Congress' master plan. As mitigation, Congress vehemently opposes CAA and UCC.

However, Modi-Shah are too smart for them. By educating Muslims especially girls, they have stopped long term TFR growth. In addition, you are seeing the rise of Pashmanda. When I said about the reverse polarisation, many of you didn't agree.

But Sanātani Muslim now is a reality, and Modi mentions Pashmanda today. There is a silent empowerment going on. Besides, those that read Sachar Committee will know that demography and concerns on population growth aren't placed on facts. TFR of Muslim is also declining and it will decline faster with the thrust on education and employment especially for women.

My last point - the relentless propaganda against Hindu, Bhārat, Modi, and his successors will continue strongly well into 2034.

This is to ensure anti-incumbency to support bloc consolidation. For this reason, they will not check Yogi becoming PM because his very image will help with their propaganda.

However, the man who will really upset their cart is annamalai_k - this they didn't see coming.

Also explains why he already needs Y Category Security.

Many of you may wonder why I.N.D.I. Alliance.

We must know that regional dynasts are a political backup for Congress which will naturally die from implosion. Each party within the I.N.D.I. Alliance should be viewed as a mini-Congress, with a strong focus on local divisive politics and holding onto the minority bloc.

This model is allowed because Congress cannot appease/support blocs until they are in power in the Centre which wont happen anytime soon. So, to keep the bloc intact, they need state governments and money from corruption.

It's easier for a DMK or Communist or TRS to be in power locally than Congress nationally.

This is why Congress will ALWAYS join hands with anti-BJP dynast parties which means that their alliance are inter-generational and they are all working to a long term plan.

Not all parties or leaders may even know this game. Still they can be played - as from time immemorial, money and power have always corrupted the weak. You see this pattern not only in Bhārat states, but also internationally.

This is why Modi-Shah's most important messages resonate constantly in our politics - Congress Mukth Bhārat, and Dynasty Mukth states. BJP picks their enemies this way. If Sunil made EPS to believe otherwise, then it just goes to show that EPS isn't a smart man that he once was.

I am digressing. Back to the subject -

In due course, by 2034, regional anti-BJP parties will either consolidate  nationally or share seats to achieve that goal. Therefore, the seeds planted today will not go astray.

At the moment, the only spoiler is AIMIM. Looks like the Razakars haven't  received their mandate. Maybe AIMIM is another experiment in case the regional politics and Congress both fail. If you observe the way BJP operates in the South, particularly through @annamalai_k in TN and @surendranbjp in Kerala,

it is clear that their short to medium term goal is to decimate Congress/Dravida Politics/Communism. Winning seats is not the primary objective. It's more of a bonus what Annamalai will deliver for TN.

So, to sum up:

~ This is a long term game for Congress which involves developing vote to seat blocs of minorities

~ To send the consistent message to Muslims and Christians, they will continue to hurt Hindus, will shun Ayodhya and Mathura:

~ They will persistently taunt Dhārmics in an attempt to reverse consolidation.

~ They will reload and rebrand Rahul Gandhi, much like Ghori's repeated invasions.

The theory is "In Sight, In Mind."

~ No matter how much their toolkit is exposed, they will continue to employ the same templates time and time again to deepen the narrative, and reverse consolidate.

~ They will take the war to the Civic Societies which will be checked by the Agnivieer plan of Doval.

Good news is, they won't win. Because they always underestimate their vote banks.

Secret is in the motto - 'Sub ka Vishawās' and 'Sub ka Prayās' part.

Beneficiaries, an awakened majority, an enlightened minority, and who knows constitutional and democratic reforms on the cards - can all spoil their plans. Modi is set to create a blueprint for the next millennium for Bhārat. It is with this power that he swam against the darkest and most powerful forces in the world, becoming who he is today.

He never underestimates his enemies nor the power of our collective Dhārmic conscience.


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