What if I tell you that HIV virus was created in lab by Deep state and 'animal transfer in Africa' is a hoax theory.

What if I tell you cancer was intensified by DS.

What if I tell you both diseases were part of DS biological warfare program.

All this research happened at National Cancer Institute, USA during 1964 to 1984.

HIV was created in 1979  

Search on Google. Where is National Cancer Institute of US is located ?  Is it at Fort Detrick ? Now search in Wikipedia  -What is Fort Detrick?

Is it US Army future command center ?  

Any Biological weapon program was conducted there from 1943 to 1969 ?  On paper it was stopped in 1969 but in real it was not stopped. Search Willowbrook State School of New York in Wikipedia. It's school of mentally disabled students.

Why it's famous ?

Any Hepatitis studies were carried out on these students during 1956 to 1976 ?  - Search

You can further search Robert Gallo, Fauci, Litton, Bionetics, Merck.

Now the last puzzle-

Search NSSM 200 

Which is also called Kissinger report of 1974.

Kissinger was most powerful person of Deep State during 70s and 80s.

Does this report talk about Depopulation ?

Just after 5 years of this depopulation report world gets two new virus- HIV and New Cancers.

What a cost effective and silent technique to reduce population.

Cancer and AIDS  

Was the research of National Cancer institute was signed and approved by Kissinger ? 

(Search Dr Leonard Horowitz book emerging viruses). HIV virus was created at National Cancer Institute in 70s by Deep State.

The first news story on "an exotic new disease" appeared May 18, 1981, in the gay newspaper New York Native. Robert Gallo, An American biomedical researcher was the person who did initial research on AIDS. He was director and co-founder of the Institute of Human Virology.

"Gallo was a sociopath and pathological liar"

This is what Health Secretory of USA RobertfKennedJr  said abt him. 

On the same way, Cancer was intensified.

Today Cancer is the biggest money making disease for Pharma and also one of the biggest cause for death. Every year 10 million people die due to cancer.

Remember the word 'Depopulation'.

All the viruses that came in last 106 years starting from Spanish flu.

All the wars of last 200 years including WW1 and WW2, Russia Ukraine.

Many of natural events starting from rains in Vietnam during 70s.

All new diseases  

Were created by Deep State ?


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