It is not a question of Truth, but loss of power and patronage that motivates the charge of intolerance from eminent Marxist historians. Marxists have rejected scholarly views that opposed their historical theories primarily on political grounds, not owing to their own research in archaeology or geology. In order to further their agenda of destroying the Hindu civilisation through initiatives like ‘Dismantling Global Hindutva’, the Marxist fashionably talk of Muslim genocide when there is none; but no one speaks of the facts of Hindu genocide that took place in Kashmir valley as late as 1990. It is these strategic silences that need to be corrected and the facts made public.The Marxists and Left keep reinventing themselves. Within the realm of Woke culture, characterised by its creators and followers, known as ‘Wokes’, an exceptional emphasis is placed on morality brings to mind the insights of philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, who discussed the concept of herd mentality and its influence on moral judgements. Nietzcsche astutely observed that the morality associated with herd mentality asserts, “I am morality itself and nothing else is morality.” Woke culture utilises identity politics and claims higher moral standards, enabling it to advocate for particular identities or ideas such as secularism, more effectively than others. Wokeism is marked by an unconditional and one size fits all approach to thinking, often leading to selective uproar and over-simplification of complex ideas or situations. This mindset disregards the need for context and thorough examination, which can spread misinformation and contribute to societal polarisation. In his recent book ‘ Cancel this Book: The Progressive Case Against Cancel Culture’, a human rights lawyer and free speech advocate Dan Kovalik, argues for the necessity of free speech in public areas. He remarks, “Speech that offends but does not interfere with another’s right of participation should not be banned or otherwise suppressed. Rather such speech…should be met with speech; with argument and dialogue, as a means to advance both free speech and hopefully equality.” Besides negating facts and selectivity, cancel culture is guilty of promoting mob mentality that ultimately causes the death of reason, independent thinking and most importantly, due process. In present times we are facing a cultural war where every human activity and relationship is under attack. Most importantly this war has to be fought at the level of Ideas and Ideology. The left has evolved its strategies, Generals and foot soldiers for this war over the last 100 years. Bharat has to wake up and catch up in a hurry.
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