Communist Revolution 2
Communist Revolution 2
Barrel of a Gun to Termites
by Lenin and Stalin had shown that communist economic policies lead to nothing
but disaster. It had dawned on the communists that the bloody revolution
through the barrels of a gun, as predicted by Marx, was no more a possibility.
The Berlin wall was the biggest symbol of communism’s failure. Thousands of East
Germans on one side of the wall, used to defy search towers, barbed wires, Sten
gun wielding guards, trained dog squads… to escape to the west. They were
willing to risk their lives to run away from the Communist Utopia in the East
to the Capitalist Exploitation of the West. Communism needed fresh ideas and
new strategies to fulfil its ambition of global control.
Since the
canons of revolution could not destroy the impregnable walls of western
democracy and capitalism, a strategy was created to bring them down with the
help of internal enemies, who would keep gnawing at them like Termites. This
collapse of the West would happen slowly, crippling their power centres one by
one, wearing them out one step a a time. For achieving this they created the
biggest organisation in world history whose proficiency in treachery, betrayal
and deception was unparalleled. This organisation was known as KGB, Russia’s
dreaded secret service.
poisonous belief system and modus operandi of KGB was first exposed when its
senior functionaries like Vasily Mitrokhin and Yuri Bezmenov defected to
America and took political asylum there. Bezmenov has spoken and written in
detail about his interactions with Indians. One of his assignments in KGB was to
keep Insia’s so called progressive intellectuals, authors, poets, journalists,
professors, always spell bound by the virtues of a communist revolution. He was
in charge of organising their visits to Moscow, hosted by the soviet
government. He says one of his tasks was to keep them permanently intoxicated.
He says, they really believed that they were actually VIP intellectuals, but
for us, they were a bunch of political prostitutes to be taken advantage of for
various propaganda operations. Bezmenov says, his job also included collecting
volumes of information on opinion makers- publishers, editors, actors,
educationists, Member of Parliament and businessmen. Those who would toe the
Soviet line, would be provided opportunities for career advancement. Those who
resisted the Soviet influence, would be character assassinated, insulted in
various ways, denied opportunities, or if needed, be executed physically.
Bezmenov continued these activities, when he was placed in the Russian Embassy
in India. He says, when it came to slow poisoning the Indian mind and keeping
it permanently under Soviet influence, the KGB saw no role for ideologically
minded leftists. The KGB was of the opinion that one day, these people would be
disillusioned and then they would be the worst enemies. Bezmenov was horrified
to find the names of pro soviet journalists. These are the most recruitable
people, people who lack moral principles, who are either too greedy or suffer
from too much self importance.
The job of
these useful idiots was to create instability in the country by spreading
ideological confusion. The KGB had a bullet reserved for them, once their
utility was over. Bezmenov says that the Indian media lied to its own people
when it claimed India was the biggest democracy. He says that India was an
autocracy ruled by the Nehru family. India was not a non aligned nation, it was
aligned with the Soviet Union. Indira Gandhi was in the Soviet pocket from the
moment she stepped into her office, says Brezmenov. This is also corroborated
by Vasili Mitrokhin in his book Mitrokhin Archives, which is a
collection of his hand written notes and official soviet documents collected
during the thirty years of his work in KGB. Mitrokhin says,” India under Indira
Gandhi was also probably the arena for more KGB active measures than anywhere
else in the world.” According to KGB files, by 1973, it had taken 10 Indian
newspapers under its control. During 1972, KGB claimed to have planted 3789 articles in Indian newspapers.
Another KGB agent Kalugin recalls one occasion on which Andropov personally
turned down an offer from an Indian minister to provide information in return
for $50000, on the ground that the KGB was already well supplied with material
from the Indian Foreign and Defence ministries. It seemed entire country was
for the sale.
about the formation of Bangladesh, Bezmenov says, reporting by American
correspondents as it being an Islamic grassroot revolution, was ‘absolute
baloney. He says there is no such thing as grassroot revolution. Any revolution
is a by product of a highly organised group of conscientious and professional
organisers. Members of the Mukti Bahini were trained by the KGB at Lumumba
University, Crimea and Tashkent. He further says, these liberation armies of
all kinds all over the world are nothing
but useful idiots. Sheikh Mujibur Rehman, a leftist, was shot dead by his own
Marxist- Leninist comrades. The moment they served their purpose, all these
useful idiots are either shot dead or left to rot in prison, like in Cuba. (
The source of all this information is the book The best of Schuman, a
collection of interviews with Yuri Bezmenov who was known as Thomas Schuman
after his defection to the USA.)
Subversion –
On realising
that the bloody revolution of the proletariat in the capitalist countries of
the west was no longer a possibility, the KGB evolved a new strategy of
changing the perception of reality in the minds of millions of people all over
the world, by psychologically manipulating them through media, publishing,
entertainment etc. By winning this battle for minds and hearts, they set about
to create so much ideological conflict, confusion and instability that their
target countries would inexorably get drawn towards self destruction. Roman
diplomat Marcus Tullius Cicero had said,” A nation can survive its fools and
even the ambitious. But it can not survive treason from within. For the traitor
appears not the traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims and he
wears their face and their arguments. He rots the soul of a nation, he works
secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city. He
infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to
is inevitable when the values on which the country stands are subverted from
within. Chinese philosopher Sun Ztu had said in 500 BCE, ”All warfare is
based primarily on deception of an enemy. Fighting on a battle field is the
most primitive way of making war. There is no art higher than to destroy your
enemy without a fight – by subverting anything of value in enemy’s country.”
No wonder,
they relentlessly attack Bharat’s most valuable possession – Our Culture. Sun
Ztu had formulated seven principles of subversion:
1. Cover with ridicule all the valid
traditions in your opponent’s country.
2. Implicate their leaders in criminal
affairs and turn them over to the scorn of their populace at the right time.
3. Disrupt the work of their government
by every means.
4. Do not shun the aid of the lowest and
most despicable individuals of your enemy’s country.
5. Spread disunity and dispute among
their citizens.
6. Turn the young against the old.
7. Be generous with promises and rewards
to collaborators and accomplices.
2500 years after Sun Ztu, we came
across the same thoughts in a document titled, “Rules of Revolution” prepared
by the Communist International for guiding young revolutionaries.
1. Corrupt the young, get them
interested in sex, take them away from religion. Make them superficial and enfeebled.
2. Divide the people into hostile groups
by constantly harping on controversial issues of no importance.
3. Destroy people’s faith in their
national leaders by holding the latter up for contempt, ridicule and disgrace.
4. Always preach democracy, but seize
power as fast and as ruthlessly as possible.
5. By encouraging the government to
extravagance, destroy its credit, produce years of inflation with rising prices
and general discontent.
6. Incite unnecessary strikes in vital industries,
encourage civil disorder and foster a lenient and soft attitude on part of the
government towards such disorder.
7. Cause break down of the old moral
values – honesty, sobriety, self-restraint, faith in the pledged world.
Bezmenov says that the most potent
weapon of self-destruction is EQUALITY. Complete equality is an idea that
sounds great, but it is simply impossible to implement. That is why democratic
nations promise equality in three things – Opportunity, Voting Rights and Rule
of Law. Making legislated or enforced ‘equal outcome’ a pillar of a political system, leads to sky
high expectations. Every citizen expects the best outcome irrespective of
his/her ability, output and performance. Moreover, they expect this as a right,
which means the state must give it to them irrespective of any effort on their
part. Unfulfilled expectations lead to discontent and frustration, social
unrest and instability. These in turn lead to demands that the state must pass
stricter laws to enforce equality. The country rapidly hurtles down the path
from an open society to closed society. In this situation, it is easy to fan
the flames of discontent and push the country towards anarchy and destruction.
The KGB has created a four stage
action plan to bring about this collapse. Being the leaders of the free world,
this plan was designed with America as a target. That is why Bharat needs to
study this plan closely, interpret events happening around us in its context
and be aware of the mines being planted in our path. These Four phases were – 1.
2. Destabilisation
3. Crisis
4. Normalisation
The first and the most important phase
of the subversion process is DEMORALISATION. Once a country’s self-confidence
and self-respect are destroyed, it loses its ability to counter any ideological
or real attack. Once this is achieved, it is easy to go through the next three
phases. Bezmenov says, it takes about 15 – 20 years to demoralise a nation, as
this is the minimum number of years to ‘educate’ one generation. Once this
indoctrination of a generation is completed, the country starts slipping irrevocably
towards destruction. In this process, education is weaponised to attack the
value system and the ideals that have nourished the country so far.
The British had used this technique
very effectively against Bharat by weaponizing history and education. This is
called Colonisation of Mind. The process of Demoralisation operates simultaneously
on three levels. The first level is
the level of Ideas. Subversion is most effective when its seeds are sown in
the field of ideas. No one ever faces a firing squad for the sake of money. But
thousands are willing to lay their lives for their belief, faith or ideology.
Once ideas are contaminated and ideological confusion is created, it is easy to
push a country towards self-destruction. There are certain values, principles,
faith that define a nation and the citizens of that country would not hesitate
to sacrifice their lives for it. In order to destroy them, influencers of the
public mind in fields of religion, culture, education, media, entertainment
etc. are undermined from the inside, and become like Termites. Religion is
ridiculed to end its influence, education and media is monopolised to control
the narrative and culture is branded as regressive and a new, shallow,
pretentious, plastic culture is created. Traditions like respect for elders,
following rules or discipline are made to look uncool. Bezmenov had written
down in his book, Love Letter to America, in 1984, “Though shocking,
it is an undeniable fact that the socio cultural downfall of democratic nations
has not happened naturally, but has been brought down by precise planning and
The Second Level of Demoralisation is
Structures. Along
with the realm of ideas, seeds of demoralisation have to be sown in Structures,
like- Social, Economical and Political Institutions of the target country.
These include Judicial and Law Enforcement Agencies, Security and Defence
Organs, Political Parties and groups, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and related
Think-Tanks, Bureaucracy, etc. For example this results in real victim of crime
or lawlessness – a law abiding, tax paying, common men- feels helpless and more
dependent on the government. This creates a society that is habituated to
depending on the all powerful government for every small issue, an ideal
condition for a totalitarian state. People’s rights are over emphasised, and
responsibilities that go with them are completely ignored. This creates a
society composed of irresponsible, careless, reckless, uncouth individuals,
each one doing his own thing, unconcerned about anything else. We often hear
comments like, ‘Logon ko danda hi chahiye’, which is actually a desperate cry
for dictatorship. A consistent smear campaign is carried out against the police
and the armed forces, painting them as bloodthirsty, demons and fascists.
Doubts are raised against their every actions, enquiries are instituted against them, under the
charges of human rights violations. Such confused and demoralised law
enforcement agencies are a sure recipe for anarchy. People started making baseless
charges against our armed forces with impunity because they want to use the
freedoms and rights in a democracy against itself.
Level Three of Demoralisation is the
Daily Lives of the citizens of the target country. To achieve this, the fiercest
attack is made on the institution of Family. Family is the strongest pillar
supporting the global order. No wonder all the totalitarian ideologies who wish
to spread anarchy and destroy global order, have always viciously attacked the
family institution.
In stage 2, that is DESTABLISATION,
Political Parties that take a myopic view and ignore the long term rise of the
country, are promoted. They promise social security by raining freebies upon
people. The already dispirited and enfeebled society looks up to these parties
as saviours. Having shifted the entire responsibility to the saviour, people
continue to live in their glorious inaction, while the parties that have
promised them the moon, keep postponing the inevitable collapse, one day at a
time. The country is kept on a boil by leveraging present fault lines and by
creating new ones. This instability is useful for the next phase.
Stage 3 is CRISIS. In this phase, the
sleeper cells that were so far biding their time, become active and seize power
as quickly and as ruthlessly as possible.
The 4rth and final phase is
NORMALISATION. In this the remaining pockets of resistance are crushed and the
country is brought into the normal state of Socialism that is Subjugation.
Hitherto shrill voices about rights, people’s movement and social justice are
completely silenced. The state is no more to be criticised and the media obediently
censor itself. The Useful Idiots who were instrumental in pushing the country
towards self-destruction are either thrown in jail or are summarily executed as
they are of no use now.
This entire description of KGB’s
strategy is from Thomas D. Schuman’s (Bezmenov) 1984 Book, Love Letter To
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