Pakistan - A Global Nursery of Terrorism
Pakistan, A global Nursery of Terrorism During the last 25 years, almost every major terror incident throughout the world carried its traces to Pakistan. Either Pakistanis were directly involved or the planning took place on Pakistani territory. Yet we are quick in shifting blame to others. Here is the list of major terror incidents and the persons involved: -January 1993, CIA Headquarters, Langley, Virginia; Attack killing two CIA employees. The attacker was Ajmal Kansi, a Pakistani. He got arrested 4 years later. -February 1993, World Trade Center was attacked with a truck bomb. Mastermind of the attack, Ramzi Yousuf in 1995, got captured from Islamabad, Pakistan. -August 1998, American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed. 220 people died and 4000 wounded. One of the planners Ahmed Khalfan Ghelani arrested in 2004 from Gujrat, Pakistan. -October 2000, Suicide attack on USS Cole. The mastermind, Waleed bin Attash was arrested in 2003 from Karachi, Pakistan. -May 2002, 11 ...